Wistaston Church Lane Academy is committed to serving its community. It recognises the multi-cultural, multi-faith and every-changing nature of the United Kingdom.

It also understands the vital role it has in ensuring that groups or individuals within the school are not subjected to intimidation or radicalisation by those wishing to unduly, or illegally, influence them.

Since November 2014 schools have been required to teach British Values. According to Ofsted, 'fundamental British Values' are:

At Church Lane we also aim to promote British traditions and history. Here's how we embed them across our school:


The Rule of Law

School Council - our Reps are elected and meet regularly. They represent children in each year group so that everyone's views can be considered. 

Debates - we debate about the advantages and disadvantages of different situations

Class rules - each class negotiates and agrees its own rules and vision

"We all have a voice, so let's make a choice!" 

History - children learn the laws and rules of different eras, e.g. Roman times and World War Two

Agreeing class rules - at the beginning of each school year, pupils and teachers agree rules and share a vision for how their class should work

Behaviour Policy - our policy is used consistently throughout the school

"Fairness for all, big or small!" 

Individual Liberty

Mutual Respect &Tolerance of those with Different Faiths & Beliefs, and for those Without Faith

Independent choices - pupils are actively encouraged to make independent choices, with the knowledge that they are in a safe, secure and supportive environment

Independent thinkers - in lessons, pupils are encouraged to think for themselves and to form opinions and points of view. Pupils are also encouraged to respect and understand alternative views and opinions

Safety - pupils are taught to take advantage of their freedoms, e.g. using technology, cycling to school and being allowed out to play with their friends after school, but they are encouraged to do so safely through digital safety lessons, Bikeability training and assemblies

"Free to be me, respectfully!"

RE - all major faiths and secular beliefs are studied as part of our RE curriculum. This includes gaining a respectfulness of different places of worship. Our curriculum provides a broad and balanced education on a range of faiths, religions and cultures

Charity fundraising - supporting and donating to various charities and local foodbanks

Behaviour for learning - active listening and positive speaking and presentation are learning behaviours taught throughout the school

Assemblies - our themes include friendship, religious festivals, important historical events and people, etc. We educate our pupils about people with different faiths and beliefs.

"Difference is okay, so use kindness every day!" 

Freedom of speech - "Speak your mind, but be thoughtful and kind!"

British Traditions and History

School traditions - we have a range of traditions throughout the school year which the children enjoy

Patron Saints - we celebrate significant British events, such as St. George's Day

The Royal Family - we celebrate the Royal Family and key dates, such as royal births and weddings

Famous Brits - we learning about key people in our history, such as Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale

British History - our history lessons focus on different eras of British History