Welcome to Year 2 - Autumn 2:

Key information:

Amsterdam - Y2H Class Teacher: Miss Hillard

Teaching Assistant: Miss Valente (shared)

Helsinki – Y2C Class Teacher: Mrs Culshaw

Teaching Assistant: Miss Valente (shared)


PPA cover/support staff: Sports coaching (PE) and Miss Friesner will be working across Year 2 for PPA cover.

Pick up and drop off: All Year 2 children will enter school through the infant playground door at 8.40am (this is the door they normally enter through). The school day begins at 8.45. Children should be collected at 3.15pm from the infant playground. The gates will open at approx. 3.10.

PE Days: Monday and Tuesday PM every week.

 Children should come to school in their PE kit suitable for outdoor weather.


Curriculum overview for the Spring 1 term:

English – Writing


This half term we will be looking at the book ‘The Dragon Machine’


We will be using various genres of writing to explore new vocabulary and learn new writing skills which are outlined below.


Writing outcome: To write a story based upon the model text using own ideas for a change of character and machine.


Greater depth writing outcome: To write the story in first person from new character’s point of view to allow for description of emotions and viewpoint throughout the story


English – Reading

Our book for guided reading this term is called ‘The Dragon Sitter'



We will work on many reading skills which are outlined below.

Our lesson sequences follow the structure

Class read:

Our teachers are reading ‘The diary of a Killer Cat’ to us daily



The Maths units we will cover are multiplication and division, length and height and mass, capacity and temperature.

Multiplication and division 

  • Recognising, making and adding equal groups.
  • Multiplication sentences and arrays.
  • Making equal groups by grouping and sharing.
  • 2 times tables and dividing by 2.
  • Doubling and halving.
  • Odd and even numbers
  • 10 times table and dividing by 10.
  • 5 times table and dividing by 5.

Length and height 


  • Measuring in CM.
  • Measuring in M.
  • Comparing lengths and heights.
  • Ordering lengths and heights.
  • Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing with lengths and heights.

Mass, capacity and temperature


  • Compare mass.
  • Measure in G.
  • Measure in KG.
  • Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing with mass.
  • Compare volume and capacity.
  • Measure in ML.
  • Measure in L.
  • Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing with volume and capacity.
  • Temperature.

Times tables focus: 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.


Useful website: Hit the button, times tables speed tests, BBC bitesize and top marks.

Topic – ‘significant people’.

The focus of our topic this term is History with some Geography. We will be looking at the lives and impact of Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. We will consider why they are significant and what lasting changes they had on the world today.

Science – ‘plants’:

This half term our topic in science is ‘Plants’. We will be focusing on understanding plants, how they grow and what they need to stay alive. This will be a hands-on topic with lots of investigations.

Design and technology –‘baby bears chair’

This term our D&T project is to create a chair. We will need to investigate the shape of card and what shapes are strongest for our chair. We will consider the shape, size and how we are going to attach the parts together. We will be working as part of a team to create our chair ensuring everyone in our team has a role.


Mrs. Friesner will be teaching us music, using a variety or percussion instruments and different songs.


In PSHE we will be looking at ‘dreams and goals’. In this unit we will cover: goals to success, our learning strengths, learning with others, group challenges and celebrating achievements.


Our computing unit is around questioning, effective searching and creating pictures.

Reading and homework:

The homework for Year 2 is to practise spellings ready for our spellings test on Fridays, practise the 2’s, 5’s and 10 times tables and to read with an adult.


 The expectation is that you read with your child 3 times per week, ensuring they are reading their coloured book. A quick note to say reading has taken place in the reading journal is fine.


Long term Plan

Year 2 Long Term Plan.docx - Microsoft Word Online (live.com)