A Parent guide to Year 2

Miss Hillard is teaching Amsterdam

Mrs Culshaw is teaching Helsinki

Our teaching assistants are Miss Valente and Mrs Ebanga


PPA cover/support staff: Sports Coaching Group (PE) and Miss Friesner will be working across Year 2 for PPA cover 

Pick up and drop off: All Year 2 children will enter school through the infant playground door at 8.40am (this is the door they normally enter through). The school day begins at 8.45. Children should be collected at 3.15pm from the infant playground. The gates will open at approx. 3.10.

PE Days: Monday and Tuesday PM every week

Curriculum overview for the Autumn term:

English – Writing

This half-term we will be looking at the book ‘The troll swap’. We will be using various genres of writing to explore new vocabulary and learn new writing skills, highlighted below:

 We will be planning and writing a story trying to use as many words as we can from the following.

English – Reading

The book we will be studying in our guided reading session this term is ‘The Troll’.

During our reading lessons we will be looking at a variety of texts including fiction and non-fiction books. We will look at how to create inferences based on what we have read, alongside discussing our favourite words and phrases. We will continue to work on asking and answering questions, understanding what we have read, predicting what may happen next. We are also looking at how to review books we have read and if they are similar to any other books we have read.


The Maths units we will cover are Place Value and Addition and Subtraction
Place Value

  • Numbers to 20
  • Count objects to 100 by making 10s
  • Recognise tens and ones
  • Use a place value chart
  • Partition numbers to 100
  • Write numbers to 100 in words
  • Estimate numbers on a number line
  • Compare objects and numbers
  • Order objects and number
  • Count in 2.5s and 10 

Addition and subtraction

  • Bonds to 10
  • Fact families - addition and subtraction bonds within 20
  • Related fact
  • Bonds to 100 ( tens)
  • Add and subtract 1s
  • Add by making 10
  • Add three 1 digit numbers

Times tables focus - 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.

The Great Fire of London

The focus of our topic this term is History with some Geography. We will be looking at the fire of London and Nantwich, how they started, what made them spread and other aspects of life in Tudor time

Science: Animals including humans

Design and technology: Create a purse using sewing skills

Music: Mrs. Friesner will be teaching us music, using a variety or percussion instruments and different songs.

PSHE: Being me in my world

Computing: Coding, online safety and spreadsheets

Reading and homework: Practise spellings ready for our spelling test on Fridays, practise the 2s,5s and 10 times tables and read with an adult 3 time per week, ensuring they are reading their coloured book.  Please note any comments in the reading journal

Useful Links


White Rose Maths 1-Minute Maths App | White Rose Maths

Times Tables Rock Stars Times Tables Rock Stars (ttrockstars.com)


Spelling Shed - Spelling Shed - Spelling made awesomer!


Purple Mash by 2Simple

Year 2 Long Term Plan.docx - Microsoft Word Online (live.com)