Welcome to Year 2 - Autumn 2:
Key information:
Amsterdam - Y2H Class Teacher: Miss Hillard
Teaching Assistant: Miss Valente (shared)
Helsinki – Y2C Class Teacher: Mrs Culshaw
Teaching Assistant: Miss Valente (shared)
PPA cover/support staff: Sports coaching (PE) and Miss Friesner will be working across Year 2 for PPA cover.
Pick up and drop off: All Year 2 children will enter school through the infant playground door at 8.40am (this is the door they normally enter through). The school day begins at 8.45. Children should be collected at 3.15pm from the infant playground. The gates will open at approx. 3.10.
PE Days: Monday and Tuesday PM every week.
Children should come to school in their PE kit suitable for outdoor weather.
Curriculum overview for the Spring 1 term:
English – Writing
This half term we will be looking at the book ‘The Dragon Machine’’
We will be using various genres of writing to explore new vocabulary and learn new writing skills which are outlined below.