A parent guide to Year 3


Mrs Storey is teaching Seoul

Miss Davenport is teaching Tokyo

Our teaching assistants are Mrs. Machin and Mrs Pearson.

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Accelerated reader login link: https://global-zone61.renaissance-go.com/welcomeportal/6706008

Our topic this Autumn Term is - How deep is the ocean?

English - Writing

Our new book to support our writing for this half term is:

During the term we will be studying the ocean and it's different ways that it can appear.  Coming to England focuses on Floella Benjamin's journey across the ocean as part of the Windrush generation.

In the second half term we will move on to read:

English - Reading         

Our new reading book this half term is:

Our book in the second half term of Autumn is:


In maths this half term we will be focusing on the following concepts:

Place Value

  • Representing numbers to 100 and 1000
  • Partitioning numbers from 100 to 1000
  • Finding 1,10 or 100 less or mroe
  • Counting in 50's

Addition and Subtraction

  • Applying our number bonds to 10
  • Add and subtract 1,10 or 100
  • Column addition and subtraction with or without exchanges
  • Estimation

Multiplication and Division

  • Using arrays
  • Multiplying and dividing by 3,4 and 8
  • Sharing and grouping
  • Making equal groups

Times tables focus:  3x, 4x, 8x

and from Year 2:  2x, 5x, 10x

Other areas of the Curriculum

Science: Animals including humans ( bones in the body, diet and exercise and nutrients)

PSHE: Being me in my world

PE:  Sports hall athletics (SCNW) and Throw, prepare and catch (Teacher)

DT: Pneumatics ( half term1)

Art: Making movement ( half term 2)

RE: What makes us human?

Music: Love Music Trust (Peter and the wolf)

French: A new start

Geography: How deep is the ocean?

Year 3 have PE on Monday and Thursday 

On these days we ask that children come to school in their PE clothes rather than their school uniform. Please can we remind children to wear correct PE kit. Any long hair should be tied up for the lesson and earrings need to be covered or removed at home. Should your child have an after school club that requires them to come in wearing PE kit, please send them in wearing their kit on these days.


Websites we enjoy using in class:

Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks



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Weekly spellings will be given out on a Monday and we expect the children to learn them during the course of the week.  We ask that this sheet should stay at home in order for your child to learn these spellings. The children will then be tested on these spellings on the following Monday.  The spelling groups will be posted below (just incase your child forgets them).

Times Tables

This term we will continue to focus on our 2, 5 and 10 tables and begin to focus on the 3, 4 and 8 times tables. Please can your child practise these at home by writing them out. You can then question them (in and out of order).







....... up to 12x3=36

Please log on to your child's Times Table Rock Stars account (details in Reading Diary) 

You can also practise any times table you like using the 'Jamming' section or you can use the 'Studio' section to get yourself a rock status!


We request that your children reads at least 3 times a week. We would love it if they are doing a mixture of independent reading and reading aloud to a grown up.

Please record all reading in their reading diary.