Key information
Tokyo – Y3D Class Teacher: Miss Davenport
Teaching assistant: Mrs Machin
Seoul – Y3S Class Teacher: Mrs Storey
Teaching assistant: Miss Wright
Accelerated reader login link:
PPA cover/support staff: Sports coaching (PE) and Mrs Valente will be working across Year 3 for PPA cover on Thursday.
Pick up and drop off: All Year 3 children will enter school through the junior playground door at 8.40am (this is the door they normally enter through). The school day begins at 8.45. Children should be collected at 3.15pm from outside of their respective classroom doors. The gates will open at approx. 3.10.
PE Days: Monday and Thursday PM every week.
Children should come to school in their PE kit suitable for outdoor weather.
Curriculum overview for Spring term
Our Spring topic: How has Britain changed since the Stone Age?
Our English writing book this half term is ‘Stone Age Boy’ by Satoshi Kitamura
We will be using various genres of writing to explore new vocabulary and learn new writing skills which are outlined below.
English Reading
Our book for guided reading this term is called ‘The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes.
We will work on many reading skills which are outlined below.
Class read:
Our teachers are reading ‘Great Women who changed the world’ by Kate Pankhurst.
The maths units we will cover are multiplication and division, length and perimeter, fractions, mass and capacity.
Multiplication and Division:
- Multiples of 10
- Reasoning about multiplication
- Multiplying a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number (with and without an exchange)
- Linking multiplication and division
- Divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number (no exchange, flexible partitioning, remainders)
- Scaling
Length and Perimeter:
- Measure in metres and centimetres
- Measure in millimetres
- Equivalent lengths
- Comparing lengths
- Adding lengths
- Perimeter (calculate, measure)
- Understanding unit / non unit fractions
- Fractions and scales
- Fractions on a number line
- Equivalent fractions
Mass and Capacity:
- Using scales
- Measure in grams / kilograms
- Comparing mass
- Measure capacity and volume in litres and millilitres
- Comparing capacity and volume
Times tables focus: 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, 3’s, 4’s and 8’s.
Useful resources:
We understand the importance of children learning alongside their adults at home, so here are a few resources to help you along the way!
BBC Supermovers:
Hit the button:
BBC Bitesize:
Times Tables rockstars:
Other areas of the Curriculum:
Science: Rocks (types of rock, fossils, Mary Anning)
Computing: Presenting
PSHE: Dreams and Goals
PE: Hockey (SCNW - Thursday) and fair, dare, share (Teacher - Monday)
DT: Structures (half term 2)
Art: Gestural drawing with charcoal (half term 1)
RE: Is scripture central to religion?
Music: Love Music Trust (The Planets)
French: Animals I like and don’t like
History: The Stone Age
This term the Year 3 children will have PE on a Monday with teachers and Thursday with NWSC.
On these days we ask that children come to school in their PE clothes rather than their school uniform.
Weather dependant they can wear their shorts and school coloured PE t-shirt and house PE sweatshirt. If the weather is cold, then tracksuit bottoms/leggings would be more suitable. Trainers are preferable to pumps as it is possible the children may be outdoors for some lessons.
Please ask at the office if you are unsure on the expectations of PE kits.
Year 3 Weekly spellings.
The Y3 spellings will be put onto the learning poster each week.
To encourage the children to use an online system for homework, as they will in later education, and to promote sustainability within school, please note that these spellings will not be given out on paper. Children will be expected to access the website at home to learn their spellings.
Year 3 Homework.
Homework is always set on a Monday and is completed by 8am on the following Monday. Children will be asked to find their homework online. If a child is off on a Monday, the expectation is that the child will ask a friend/teacher or use the website for the homework before the Monday deadline.
Y3 homework in a nutshell:
- Spellings (test every Monday)
- Reading (3 times a week)
- Planner signed by a parent or guardian every week
- 20 mins of TTRS
Children in Year 3 are expected to read with an adult 3 times a week to ensure comprehension and decoding skills are in-line with the books they are reading. A signature in the planner will let us know that this has been done.
Children are encouraged to change their own book upon completion.
Spellings are added to the website on the previous week and the children are tested the following Monday. The spellings we use are mapped in the school spelling curriculum and we may revisit some of them over the year to embed them before moving up to Year 4.
Completing homework
Homework is monitored by the year group staff each week.
To reward children for completing homework and learning spellings, there are lots of positive reinforcements in place to encourage them to make positive choices.
We will also let you know if your child has not completed their homework so that you are kept in the loop.
Thank you for your support!