Welcome to Year One!
Athens Class - Our Teacher is Miss Booth
Barcelona Class - Our Teachers are Miss Jones and Miss Hulme
Our Year 1 Teaching Assistants are: Miss Gray, and Miss Amson
Miss Friesner and Sports Coaching Group cover our classes when our teachers have planning time (PPA)
Key Information
Reading books will be changed on a Tuesday and a Friday
PE days for Spring Term are Wednesday and Friday. Children can come to school in their PE Kits on those days.
Chester Zoo trip - 13th February
Our Long Term Plan
Useful Websites for Year 1
https://www.2simple.com/purple-mash/ - you willbe given a log in for this soon
We expect the children to read at least 3 times per week. Children who do this will get a stamp and work towards reading prizes.
An adult in school will read with the children at least once per fortnight
- Reading books will be changed on a Tuesday and a Friday,
- If the books have been read. Please write in the reading diaries.
Our learning this term – Spring Term
Our Topic is – Animals and the UK
Key learning
Geography – The United Kingdom, the four countries, capital cities and comparisons.
History – Kings and queens
Science – Animal groups. Materials and their properties
RE – What is gods job? How should we care for the world?
PSHE – Dreams and goals, and being healthy
DT – Making hand puppets
Art – Sculptures – making birds
Music – Playing untuned percussion. Composing a spring themed piece of music
Computing – Pictograms and animated story books
PE – Dance, using equipment
Key learning
Geography – The United Kingdom, the four countries, capital cities and comparisons.
History – Kings and queens
Science – Animal groups. Materials and their properties
RE – What is gods job? How should we care for the world?
PSHE – Dreams and goals, and being healthy
DT – Making hand puppets
Art – Sculptures – making birds
Music – Playing untuned percussion. Composing a spring themed piece of music
Computing – Pictograms and animated story books
PE – Dance, using equipment
Our Key learning for Autumn term is
Place value within 20
Addition and subtraction within 20
Length and height, weight and volume
Please see the learning poster each week for more information
Our key texts and learning are listed below
Please see the learning poster each week for more information
Spring 1 - The Lion Inside