A Parent Guide to Year 1

Mrs Booth is teaching Athens

Miss Jones and Miss Hulme are teaching Barcelona

Our teaching assistants are Miss Gray and Miss Amson.

Miss Friesner and Sports Coaching Group cover our classes when our teachers have planning time (PPA)


Reading books will be changed on Tuesday and Friday 

PE will be on Wednesday and Friday

Homework each week will be spellings, reading and a task set on Purple Mash

Our learning this term is based around 'From Antarctica to Africa'

English - Writing

We will be writing an adventure story based on the story ' Lost and Found'

After half term we will be writing a diary entry in the first person ( Nibbles) based on Nibbles' adventures in the following story:


We follow the Rocket Phonics scheme, please see the following link to find out more 

 Rocket Phonics Parent Guide

We will be revisiting previously taught sounds on mat 2 and moving onto new sounds on mats 2 and 3.

Rocket Phonics Parent Guide

In Year one the children will take part in the statutory assessment of phonics.  This takes place in the week beginning 9th June 2025 and will be a test of their ability to read words using the phonic sounds taught.  This includes real and 'alien' words ( words which are not real but require the children to apply their phonic knowledge.

Year 1 words to read and spell:


At the end of each week your child will be sent home with spellings based on their phonics learning for the upcoming week.  The spellings will link to the mats above as well as 'tricky words' ( words which cannot be spelt using phonics.  They are sent on a Friday and tested the following Friday.


This term we will be learning about place value, addition and subtraction and Shape.  Please see the learning poster each week for more information.

Key learning

Geography - what are the continents and how do they differ?

History - Who found the continents?

Science - What are the 5 senses? Can you name and describe the basic body parts.

RE - How did the world begin?

PSHE - Being me in my world

DT - Designing and making hand puppets

Art - Spiral Art

Music - To compose a piece of music based on a fairy tale and notate using a storyboard

Computing - Online safety and grouping and sorting

PE - Look, run and avoid, throw, prepare, catch, agility, balance, coordination, team games





https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/login?c=0  (BugClub)

https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/  (Free ebooks)




