
At Wistaston Church Lane Academy we COMPOSE and PERFORM like musicians!

We believe that all children should receive a broad music education, which includes performing, composing, listening, reviewing, and evaluating.

Music is a practical, creative subject which can be of benefit to all children in developing imagination, the ability to listen attentively, and the ability to express personal thoughts and feelings. In addition, music can help to develop coordination, teamwork skills and a better understanding of our own and other a better understanding of our own and other people’s cultures.

Whenever we want to improve something we add music to it – a film, a dining experience, a sporting event. We listen to music in the car, at home, and out and about. Music is not just a lesson at school, it is a lifelong hobby and experience.

Our aims are:

  •  to develop a sensitive response to sound in general and a lifelong enjoyment of music of all kinds, both as a listener and a participant
  •  to develop the capacity to understand and express ideas and feelings through the medium of sound
  •  to encourage all types of music making as a means for person and social development and a broad range of other skills, e.g. concentration, discipline, motor skills
  •  to develop the ability to work constructively as a member of a group using skills of leadership, discussions, negotiation and the blending of different peoples’ ideas
  •  to offer pupils the opportunity to experience the personal satisfaction and self-confidence derived from striving after the to build a background of musical concepts, skills and knowledge including basic vocal and instrumental skills and a foundation of music literacy
  •  to develop an awareness of musical heritage, traditions and developments in a variety of cultures and societies


WCLA  provides the following:-

Teaching for each class by the class teacher or by a specialist music teacher, and a choir which is open to all regardless of ability. Year 4 all learn an orchestral instrument as part of the Wider Opportunities scheme, with the instrumental tuition is provided by The Love Music Trust.

 We make use of the scheme provided by the Love Music Trust throughout the school.

All KS2 pupils have the opportunity to play, brass or woodwind  through The Love Music Trust. This tuition can take place at lunchtimes, after school or during the afternoon. We have a bank of instruments to support children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Children are able have lessons individually, in pairs and small groups, and whole class lessons. This encourages children to share music making with their peers. Opportunities are available out of school to join ensembles through the Love Music Trust for those who wish to extend their music making.

Every child has an entitlement to music. Children are not denied music lessons as a punishment, although they may be withdrawn if they are denying others the opportunity to learn. We avoid creating gender differentiation of stereotyping such as boys’ groups or girls’ groups. All children should have access to all opportunities and all kinds of instruments.

 All children are taught to reach the full potential of their abilities. Children identified as gifted should be challenged in every lesson.

Children with Specific Learning Difficulties and Dyslexia are taught in accordance with the Special Educational Needs Policy. Please refer to the policy for detailed information relating to classroom management, resources and planning.

The children are taught the correct way to handle instruments and attention is drawn to excessive noise levels. All pupils have their own instruments in Year 4 and there is no sharing of wind or brass instruments.


Our children will become musicians and, through music, demonstrate our school values:

Community: We perform publicly through a variety of events including Wistaston Fete, the U3A, Shavington Academy Community Concerts and shows and plays in school to other pupils and parents. The children love these experiences, particularly performing in plays infront of audiences.

Challenge: We challenge ourselves to learn new skills in music, to persist with practice and to perform publicly. This helps children overcome challenges in life as well as in music lessons.

Self-Awareness: We are able to enjoy music and use it as a tool to support our emotions, our individuality and our confidence. Children enjoy music lessons and take part with enthusiasm.

Creativity: We learn to express ourselves in an individual and original manner, to create and perform music and be curious about those who have already created and performed music.  We enjoy listening to music and responding to it in a variety of ways.

Music is what feelings sound like. 

Music Development Plan

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