A Parent Guide to Year 4

Mexico City -  your teacher is Mrs Lawrie

Rio De Janeiro - your teacher is Miss Smith

Our teaching assistants are Miss Bateman and Mrs Valente



Our PE days are Thursday and Friday.

REMINDER: Please bring your musical instrument every Wednesday


Spring 1: Who were the Romans and what was their impact on Britain??



Escape from Pompeii

Writing outcome: Write the story from the point of view of one of the children

Greater depth writing outcome: Write from the point of view of the captain



DK Find out! Volcanoes 


Multiplication and Division

  • Using factor pairs
  • Multiply by 10 and 100
  • Divide by 10 and 100
  • Related facts
  • Multiplying a 2-digit number and a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number
  • Divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number
  • Divide a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number
  • Efficient multiplication

Length and Perimeter 

  • Measure in km and m
  • Equivalent lengths
  • Perimeter on a grid and of a rectangle
  • Perimeter and missing lengths of rectilinear shapes
  • Perimeter of polygons


Focus tables:

  • x3, x4, x6, x7, x8, x9, x7, x11 and x12

Science: Electricity 

In Science, we will be looking at common appliances and looking at mains powered and battery powered electricity. We will be identifying circuit components, building circuits and identifying incomplete and complete circuits. We will also be looking at conductors and insulators and building switches into our circuit.

History: Romans 

In History, our work on the Romans will centre around the Romans legacy and the reasons for the Roman’s success. We will be comparing and contrasting what we know about the Romans and Celts and we will also be looking at Celtic baths. We will look at Roman entertainment, the Roman road system and we will visit Chester to learn more about the Romans impact on a local area.

DT: Electricity - Make and design a torch

In DT, we will be using our knowledge from our Electricity unit to create a torch. We will follow a design brief to design and create a torch, building a working circuit using a switch.

PSHE: Dreams and Goals

During this unit, we will be looking at what our Dreams and Goals are, how we deal with the disappointment of broken dreams and creating new dreams and achieving goals.

RE: Just how important are our beliefs?

In RE, we will be looking at recognising the important of ceremonies and looking at the commitment of some religious and non-religious people. We will be looking at whether we can see commitment to beliefs on someone’s outward appearance and considering lifestyle choices that show commitment to religion.