A Parent Guide to Year 4
Mexico City - your teacher is Mrs Lawrie
Rio De Janeiro - your teacher is Miss Smith
Our teaching assistants are Miss Bateman and Mrs Valente
Our PE days are Thursday and Friday.
REMINDER: Please bring your musical instrument every Wednesday
Autumn 2 – Who were the Celts?
English Writing –
Leon and the Place Between
English - Reading
The Train to Impossible Places
Maths -
This half term in Maths we will be looking at Area and Multiplication and Division.
- Multiples of 3
- Multiply and divide by 6, 9 and 7.
- 11 times-table and 12 times-table
- Multiply by 1 and 0
- Divide by 1 and itself
- Multiply three numbers
Science: Sound
History: The Celts
Design and Technology: Mechanical Systems: Make a slingshot Santa’s Sleigh
PSHE: Celebrating Difference
RE: What makes some texts sacred?
PE: Pass, Move, Score (Sports coaching North West), Look, Run, Avoid (Class teachers)
Music: Love Music Trust
Focus tables, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 6x, 7x, 8x, 9x, 10x, 11x, 12