A Parent's guide to Reception
Miss Longhorn is teaching Rome
Mrs Gratton is teaching Berlin
Our teaching assistants are Mrs Pownall, Mrs Palin and Miss Boschi
Miss Friesener teaches Reception on a Tuesday morning alongside the sports coaches. Please come in PE kits on Tuesdays.
Our homework is reading and practicing writing your child's names.
General Information
- Reading books and records need to be in school everyday so that children can read with a member of staff.
- Reading books are changed twice a week and your child will bring home a book banded reading book and a shared book.
- Please look after books and return them to school after use.
- Children will need to have wellies and a waterproof coat in school at all times to play outside in all weathers.
- Please can you name all of your child's belongings and help them to practise recognising them at home.
What are we learning at the moment?
Our topic this half term is our local area and the UK. We will be looking at Wistaston, Maps, London. We will also be exploring Chinese New Year.
In literacy this half term we will be looking at ‘Let’s all creep through crocodile creek’ by Jonny Lambert. We will be retelling the story in our own words, writing some short sentences.
We follow the Rocket phonics scheme and will be learning our first few sounds during this term. The children learn how to blend and segment words with the sounds that we have learn. Please refer to the sound mat that we sent home in your welcome pack or see the below link to a useful parent information leaflet.
How to support your child with reading at home
Read with your child nightly, this should not be the full book, just a few pages is fine
Reading should be fun to encourage a love of reading, some nights this may be you reading a story to them which supports fluency or having a discussion about a story which supports comprehension
A library and a colour banded book will be sent home, Reading books will be changed twice a week.
Initially your child will receive a lilac book which does not contain any words. This is to develop language and discussion skills that support reading comprehension. Make sure you have watched the video above for some top tips.
Remember to re-read stories to develop fluency
Children will read to an adult in school at least once a week
When we feel your child is ready, they will move up a colour following an assessment. The assessment covers fluency and comprehension as well as word recognition
What to Bring to School
School book bag - this can be purchased from the office
Reading books should in your bag every day (these will be provided in the first few weeks of term)
Home school diaries (this will be provided)
School water bottle (these will be provided in the first week of term - dont worry about buying one!)
Waterproof coat and wellies (if these could stay in school that would be great!)
Sun hat and sun cream on hot days
Woollen hat and gloves on cold days
PE kit (the children can come into school dressed in their PE kits on those days, we will tell you which days this will be needed)
Spare underwear and socks
Packed lunch if your child is having one. (Please note that all children in EYFS are entitled to a free school lunch. More information on school lunches is available on the website)
Please note that you do not need to provide a snack for your child. Fresh fruit is available every day.
Useful Resources, Websites and Links for EYFS
In this section you will find links to websites and apps which you can use to support your childrens learning at home
Reading and Writing
https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ using the following free login details username: jan21 password: home
https://www.teachyourmonstertoread.com/ -This is often free if used on a computer. Small charge for use on ipads / other devices
https://www.phonicshero.com/ - sometimes offers a 7 day free trial
https://readingeggs.co.uk/- Often offers a 30 day free trial for website and app users
Alphablocks are another fun way to learn phonics - https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/b01cz0p1/alphablocks
Tricky Words
https://www.youtube.com/watch/TvMyssfAUx0?safe=true - Tricky word songs that we use in school
A Website with lots of ideas for teaching tricky words
Tricky Word Activity Mats
Numberblocks are a great way to learn numbers and have fun - available on IPlayer and as an app too!
Other websites to support with learning in EYFS
Twinkl https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resources/parents They are currently providing some activities and resources for free.
https://www.topmarks.co.uk - some brilliant games and activities!
http://www.ictgames.com - ICT games for different subjects
www.busythings.co.uk - Excellent site built around the 7 areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage. You can access a free 7 day trial but you need to subscribe after this period to access the content – various subscription packages available.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/barnabybear/ - Visit the world with Barnaby Bear!
Don't forget that as EYFS parents, you can keep up to date on what you child has been learning and any WOW moments, by accessing the tapestry website or app.
You can also add photographs and videos from home too!
If you do not have access to this, please speak to the school office staff.
This video tutorial shows you how to add photographs and videos from home
Physical Development
The children are encouraged to be physically active throughout the day. We use continuous provision to support the development of gross motor skills and go for a welly walk every Friday. However, we do some focused physical activities during our Physical Development day.
Our PE day is on Tuesdays with the Sports Coaching Group.
On these days we ask that children come to school in their PE clothes rather than their school uniform.
Weather dependant they can wear their shorts and school coloured PE T-shirt and House PE sweatshirt. If the weather is cold, then track suit bottoms/leggings would be more suitable. Trainers are preferable to pumps as it is possible the children may be outdoors for some lessons.
We want the children to think about how they can express themselves, talk about how they are feeling, and also who they can talk to if they are not feeling ok.
More information for parents can be found here: https://www.childrensmentalhealthweek.org.uk/parents-and-carers/
Below, we have uploaded some activities to help you and your children think about and support their mental health.
Please remember, all the staff at Church Lane are here if you are your child need us - please contact us if you need us.
Draw your feelings:
A great activity in which your children can draw their body and think about how they are feeling – they can express this in any way they choose. The video goes through this step by step.
Meditation and Yoga for children
Your children will already be familiar with “cosmic kids yoga”
On this website you will also find guided meditations for children. They are called “peace out”
We have uploaded some mindfulness colouring sheets to the class page that your child may wish to use this week.
Play some calm, relaxing music as your child completes these. You may wish to do one too!
Non-Screen Time
Take some time away from your screens today
Here are some ideas you could use:
Starting School this year?
Parents Information Powerpoint
We invite parents of children due to Start Reception in Septmber 2023 to an information evening on Wednesday 5th July at 6:30 pm.
Documents to help with starting school
Here are some useful hints and tips for parents when preparing for and when starting school