A Parent Guide to Year 5

Miss Baugh is teaching Atlanta

Mrs Horan is teaching Los Angeles

Our teaching assistants in Year 5 are Miss Blackledge and Mrs Dyde

Other staff who teach us:

Mr Raiswell and Sports Coaching Group ( PPA)

Mrs Valente and Mr Lewis ( Miss Baugh's management time)


Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone

During the first half of the term, our writing is based around Harry Potter. We will write descriptions of characters and settings, leading to our final piece which is a letter to our parents during our first term at Hogwarts.

We will also use Harry Potter as a fun way to learn how to use and create a map

English - Writing

Our main book to support our writing for the rest of the term is Queen of the Falls



During Autumn 2 we study The Lost Happy Endings and us this as a resource to help us write descriptions of character, settings and atmosphere.

English - Reading

Our reading book for the Autumn Term will be Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls and Hansel and Gretel.



This term, we will be completing the following units in our Maths lessons:

  • Place value
  • Addition and Subtraction
  • Multiplication and Division
  • Fractions

This term, Year 5 have PE on Tuesdays and Fridays.

We ask that children come to school in their PE kit rather than school uniform. This should include shorts and house team t- shirt and/or sweatshirt. If the weather is cold, then black tracksuit bottoms or leggings may be more suitable. Please ensure that long hair is tied back and earrings are removed or covered for PE on the appropriate days.

Other Areas of the Curriculum

Science: Light, Living Things and their habitats, Properties and Changes of materials

PSHE: Being Me in My World, Celebrating Difference

PE: Pass, Move and Score

History: Anglo Saxons

Geography: Map Skills

Art: Typography and Maps

RE: What is Hindu Dharma?

French: My school and time in the city

Computing: Coding and online safety

Music: Love Music Trust, getting loopy and samba

Homework Expectations

Children are expected to complete the following tasks each week:

  • Reading at least 3 times per week. This should be recorded in reading records and may include reading independently or with an adult.
  • Times Tables Rockstars (for at least 15 minutes).
  • Practise weekly spellings (in preparation for our test on Mondays).

Useful Websites

Times Tables Rockstars - https://ttrockstars.com/

Accelerated Reader - https://global-zone61.renaissance-go.com/welcomeportal/6706008

Purple Mash - https://www.purplemash.com/login/

Topmarks Maths games - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

BBC Bitesize - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/zbr9wmn






The Bold and the Brave


Our World


Place Value

Addition and Subtraction

Multiplication and Division A

Fractions A

Multiplication and Division B

Fractions B

Decimals and Percentages

Perimeter and Area



Position and Direction


Negative numbers

Converting Units



Harry Potter – Informal letter

P2W: Queen of the Falls – Recount/Diary

P2W: The Lost Happy Endings – Traditional tales

P2W: Arthur and the Golden Rope – Myths (Vikings/Norse mythology)

P2W: The Darkest Dark – Biography

P2W: Jinnie Ghost - Poetry

P2W: The Paperbag Prince – Persuasive/informative leaflet

P2W: The Hunter – Adventure story (journey narrative)


P2R: Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls

P2R: Hansel and Gretel

P2R: Odd and the Frost Giants

P2R: Exploring Space/Planet Unknown

P2R: The Last Wild/Rubbish – A Look Behind the Scenes

P2R: African Tales


Living Things and Their Habitats

Properties and Changes of Materials

Earth and Space


Animals Including Humans


Purple Mash:


Online Safety


Purple Mash:


Game Creator

3D Modelling

Purple Mash:

Concept Maps

Word Processing


Anglo Saxons - Learning about the Anglo Saxon invasion of Britain and how people lived. Looking at evidence from the Sutton Hoo excavation.

Were the Vikings vicious? – Finding out about the Viking invasion of Britain and how people lived. Making comparisons with the Anglo Saxons.

Is it better to be a tribe or a kingdom? – Study of a historical civilisation from a non-European country (Benin).

Looking at the lives of significant individuals.


Map Skills – Grid references, compass directions, locating countries and cities, OS map symbols. (Harry Potter theme)

How can I describe my location in the world? – Hemispheres, tropics, time zones, latitude and longitude

What is the human impact on our World? -

Study of the impact that global warming, water pollution and deforestation has on the world’s biomes


Structures – Bridges

Mechanisms – Pop-up books

Electrical systems – Doodlers


Typography and Maps – Explore the art of typography and use this to create a map of Hogwarts from ‘Harry Potter’.

Mixed Media – Create landscapes with energy and a sense of space.

 Architecture – Looking at aspirational and eco homes.




My School, My Subjects

Time in the City

Healthy Eating – Going to Market


Out of this World

Going to the Seaside


Love Music Trust:

Getting Loopy


Love Music Trust:

Performance Poetry

Music from Around the World

Love Music Trust:

Improvising Colours





Health and Wellbeing -

What makes up our identity?

Living in the Wider World -

What decisions can people make with money?

No Outsiders


Dreams and Goals -

Aspirations, how to achieve goals and understanding the emotions that go with this.

Healthy Me -

Being and keeping safe and healthy.

No Outsiders


Relationships –

Building positive, healthy relationships.

Changing Me –

Coping positively with change.

No Outsiders


Athletics 1






Orienteering/Team Building

Athletics 2






What is Hindu Dharma? – Puja, symbols of Hindu-Dharma, Gods and Goddesses, religious festivals

What do Christians believe about the Kingdom of God? – Using the Bible to explore the Christian idea of the Kingdom of God

What happens when we die? – Children interpret different sources of wisdom and beliefs about what happens when we die and the importance of funerals.


Who should get to be in charge?

Why are some places in the world significant to believers?

Updated: 19/02/2024 1.82 MB