A Parent Guide to Year 5

Miss Baugh is teaching Atlanta (covered by MIss Hancock)

Mrs Horan is teaching Los Angeles

Our teaching assistants in Year 5 are Miss Blackledge and Mrs Dyde

Other staff who teach us:

Mr Raiswell and Sports Coaching Group ( PPA)

Mrs Valente and Mr Lewis ( Miss Baugh's management time)


English - Writing

Our book to support our writing for the first spring ½ term is Arthur and the Golden Rope by Toss Stanton. We use this book to write a myth, creating characters (heroes, villains and monsters) and settings. 


A cover of a book

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A white and blue chart with black text

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During Spring 2, we study The Darkest Dark written by Chris Hadfield and use this as a resource to help us write a formal biography about Chris Hadfield. 


A book cover of a book

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A diagram of keywords and keywords

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English - Reading

Our reading books for the Spring Term will be Odd and the Frost Giants and Exploring Space.