Friends of WCLA

Who we are….

The Friends are a group of parents, carers and grandparents who form our PTA. We are a registered charity, (charity number 1046749) and have been part of WCLA since 1995- 30 years in 2025!

 We work with the school and community to raise money and organise events for the benefit of all pupils attending WCLA, both school and Nursery.


The committee for this academic year are as follows:

•    Chair – Currently vacant ( to be confirmed at AGM on 22nd Oct 24)
•    Vice Chair – Jamie Chalmers
•    Treasurer – Ewe Kettle
•    Secretary – Emma Donald

Next meeting:  AGM Tue 22nd Oct 5:30pm  


What we do…

In recent years, we have funded and organised a mix of-

-Summer Fairs

-Reception starters water bottles

-Yr6 Leavers gift

-Christmas party & gifts

-Christmas Fairs

-Easter Bingo

-Spooky Disco

-Contribution to yr6 leavers parties

-Whole school book donations

-Sports day ice lollies

-Family picnic and Colour Run


How you can help…

The majority of our fundraising is done through our events, but there are also a few other ways money comes into the Friends. Use the links to have a look and help!



 Easy Fundraising- Download and use this app, and when you shop online a % is donated to us! (at no extra cost to you!)


Stikins- Name labels from a local business, with no ironing or sewing! Ideal for lunchboxes, clothes, bags…just use code 25631 when ordering to ensure we get a small commission.


Your School Lottery- Buy tickets for £1 each to be entered to win some amazing prizes, including cash, Nintendo Switch, a year of Hellofresh and Iphones! 76% of each sale comes back to the PTA fund.



Join/Help us!

We are always after new faces, especially at the beginning of term when old members look to move on as children leave WCLA. We love having new people and fresh ideas!

We often hear that many parents are reluctant to join as they aren’t sure what will be expected from them. We are all busy with work, children, clubs etc… we get it!

However, from personal experience, I can assure you that there’s zero pressure!

 We hold our AGM, around September time, which outlines our plans for the year and recaps the previous year. We then have meetings, every couple of months or so depending on events, which of course are optional. We always follow up with minutes so you can stay in the loop, and have a whatsapp chat group.

When we hold events, we always need volunteers to help run stalls, set up, plan…however everyone has different strengths and skills, whether its bingo calling, behind the scenes, design work… we only ask of you what you are comfortable with. Does your company offer matched fundraising? Do you know a company who can offer raffle prizes? Have you heard of any grants or initiatives we could be part of? Let us know!

 As a team, we arrange as little or as much as we choose, and have great support from the school leadership and staff.

It’s great to be involved in the school community, meeting other members/parents/carers and staff who you perhaps wouldn’t day to day and building relationships, and of course, getting that ‘behind the scenes’ glance at school life! Our children love seeing us in and around school during event times, and also love to help us themselves - they feel really proud!

Essentially, the PTA is here to benefit our children, and enhance the school life whilst at WCLA.

Please get in touch if you can help in any way..


Facebook- Friends of Wistaston Church Lane







