We were delighted to be graded as Good in our 2019 inspection.

Inspectors said:

"Together with senior leaders, and with the full support of governors and the Learning for Life Partnership, the headteacher ensures that all aspects of provision, including teaching and learning, are good."

"Across the school, including in the early years, teaching is good. Relationships between teachers and pupils are strong and productive."

"Pupils’ attendance is well above average. Pupils attend regularly because they find learning interesting. Aspects of their behaviour are impeccable. Pupils say that they feel safe at school and that bullying is rare."

"Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) benefit from good teaching. They enjoy learning and make strong progress in a wide range of subjects."

"Parents and carers who spoke with inspectors, as well as most of those who completed the inspection questionnaire, were very positive about all aspects of school life. Parents typically comment that: ‘I cannot praise the staff, both education and care, highly enough for everything they do for my child... it’s a lovely school in a busy village. My children all love it there, they are making so much progress.’ All parents said that communication is good, and their children are safe and happy at school."

"Staff morale is high. All staff are proud to work at the school, which they say is much improved since the previous inspection. Staff are particularly appreciative of the professional development available to them through the trust and beyond."

"Pupils benefit from an interesting curriculum, which engages them in learning and secures their strong progress. Pupils also participate in a range of after-school activities to improve their singing and arts and crafts skills. Pupils pursue their interests in reading, writing, mathematics and film through various clubs."

"The physical education and sport funding is well spent to develop the skills of staff in teaching various sporting activities, including gymnastics. Pupils are very competitive and have been successful in various sporting competitions. Pupils have won national recognition for their performance in athletics and football. Funding is used to purchase sports equipment, widen participation in sports and to train pupils and lunchtime supervisors as sports leaders."

"Advisory board members who are responsible for the school’s governance know the school exceptionally well. They regularly visit the school and have specific responsibilities in relation to safeguarding, teaching and learning, and the curriculum. Governors know where the school’s strengths lie, as well as what it needs to do to improve. Their experience in education places them well to both challenge and support senior leaders."

"There is a strong culture of safeguarding in the school and staff are highly vigilant."

"Teachers and teaching assistants are trained to a high standard. Most teachers have a good knowledge of pupils’ individual learning needs and have high expectations of them. Teachers make learning interesting, use good questioning techniques and encourage pupils to participate in learning. As a result, pupils enjoy discovering new things and make strong progress in a range of subjects."

"During the inspection, pupils’ behaviour was good. Pupils listen diligently in class, move around the school sensibly and safely, and ensure that the school is clean and tidy. Pupils greeted inspectors on corridors and warmly welcomed them into the school."

"When children enter the Reception classes, most have the knowledge and skills typical for their age. Children make good progress and acquire well-developed reading, writing and calculation skills. By the time they leave the Reception classes, a higher than average proportion have reached a good level of development and are ready for their learning in Year 1."

Updated: 19/02/2024 186 KB