A Parent Guide to Cygnets Nursery
What we will learn
We will be following the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and ensure our learning allows children to develop their skills in the seven areas of learning:
- Communication and Language
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Physical Development
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding of the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
Our programme of learning will follow the needs and interests of our children and will be carefully organsied so that they make the progress they need in order to be ready for their next steps in learning.
Have a look at our Nursery curriculum overview at the bottom of the page and have a look on Tapestry to see what we have been up to.
What are we learning at the moment - Welcome to Spring 2
Welcome to Spring 2
We would like to welcome children back from half term break.
This half term we will be learning about plants and animals. We will explore growing plants and follow instructions on how to plant a seed. Then we will learn about farm and farm animals and sing a lot of Old McDonald had a farm. The children will think about spring time and how seasons are changing around us. We will engage with nature on our welly walks.
Later in the term we will have our friend Rachael visiting us from St Mary’s Church to explore the Christian Easter traditions and celebrations. The children will have opportunities to participate in craft, cooking and hands on activities carefully planned for this half term.
Here are our books that we will be reading this term:
This half term, we will have physical activity on Thursday afternoons. Please can the children wear joggers/leggings and trainers There is no need for full PE kit.
On Fridays, we will go for a welly walk. Please bring some wellies in a named bag so that they can be kept in school. We are happy to return them for half term.
Please check the learning posters and Tapestry each week. Feel free to post your adventures at home on tapestry. We will share these in class.
Ms Whadera and Mrs Rimmer have planning time on Wednesday morning, Ms Hulme and Ms Friesner will be teaching on that day.
If you have any queries, please contact us:
Email: admin@wistaston.cheshire.sch.uk
Tel: 01270 663619